Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Soul's Path to partying down

Last night I hosted a happy hour at my house for some of my "mystic maidens", the spiritual soul chicks that I've been so lucky to find in this life.

We sat around the outdoor bar, enjoying the gorgeous weather and laughed long and hard for many happy hours, discussing everything from the first time we got our periods, to our latest spiritual readings, workshops and ideas for the future .

I served gin and diet tonics, devilled eggs, shrimp cocktail ( low sugar cocktail sauce) guacamole with chips for them, and pork rinds for me, nuts, crudités, and a cheese and salami platter.
Hopefully, it was enough food for those cracker eatin' skinny minnies.

When the sun went down, four of us got into the hot tub. It took a little cajoling and reassurance, but once we were settled into the bubbles -ahh, bliss!

My friend, Gena, a college advisor, intuitive and one of the sweetest women I've ever met took the picture, and here's the rest of us from left to right:

Me looking, thankfully, not-too-chubby-faced, my friend Rita who is an exceptional channel and host of the weekly blog radio program "Talkin' Angels", Susan, who is an awesome intuitive massage therapist and in training for the NJ marathon, and Shailini, who creates beautiful jewelry and hand knitted scarves, and is also, yep you guessed it- a spiritual intuitive.

I haven't weighed myself today, and I will post the end of my 2 week results tomorrow.

I feel lighter, happier, less achy and best of all, I'm not obsessing about food.

Tonight I'm attending a "Spring Fling" at the country club, (dahlings!) with a group of different friends and the menu is gourmet ballpark, including bbq, crabby cheese fries, crab cake sliders, a raw bar ( thank you!) and all kinds of carb- laden goodies. Plus an hour of open bar, which with my friends, they better hold on and be prepared!
I've already planned what I will eat and drink, so the anxiety level is about a 2.
White wine, maybe a capt and diet coke, lots of raw bar stuff, hot dog no bun, well, you get it. I know this isn't following the wheat belly diet to the tee, but I also what will work best for me, and sorry, Doc, but total abstinence just ain't it right now.

Reminding myself that all of this food is always right there at my fingertips, ready to consume at any time that I wish, brings me back to the reason why I'm choosing to do this--my health, and most of all, my happiness.


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