Saturday, April 20, 2013

feelin' pretty damn good!

Day 7, and I feel pretty damn good.

How do I feel physically? an 8 out of 10. My hip is  only slightly annoying, and even after golfing nine holes, I'm not nearly as achy as I normally would be.
Mentally? 8. I feel energized and happy. I love that word- happy.

I've lost about 3 and 1/2 lbs so far, and although I know from my personal training days that your weight fluctuates a pound or two on a daily basis, I am confident that the scale will continue on a downswing, so to speak.

My husband, of course, has lost 6 lbs. Since Sunday.
 Why, oh why is it so much easier for men to lose weight?

I've gotta admit, the wheat belly diet is not too difficult for either of us, because we both love high protein foods.

Last night after a round of golf, we came home a bit late ( 2 glasses of Kendall Jackson chardonnay at the club's bar) so I started cooking at almost 8pm.

Fried up some chopped black pepper bacon for the wedge salads, sautéed  mushrooms in olive oil and reduced red wine in one pan, while I cooked some fresh spinach in cream, parmesan and a little nutmeg in another.

After pan searing beef filets, I added them to the sauce to cook a little more, finished it off with some butter- and viola! a restaurant quality meal.

Oh, yeah, and I forgot to mention the sugar-free chocolate cheesecake that I made for dessert, too. With whipped cream.

Today was ricotta pancakes with sugar-free syrup for breakfast, and I just polished off 6 buffalo wings ( no flour or coating, the takeout place insisted) homemade guacamole with pork rinds for dipping, and the inevitable crudité platter.

Tonight I'm thinking out to our local Thai restaurant for chicken and veggie stir fry (no rice) and a salad with tofu and peanut dressing.

Not too bad, huh? What's not to like about this diet?

And just like Dr. Davis predicted, I have no cravings -seriously.

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