Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I'm back...

Hey, where have you been?
Yes, I know for the 1, yes, 1 follower I have ( and I have a sneaky suspicion it's my good friend Toni Anastasia) I apologize for being absent for so long.
I won't go into the details much, just to say that I had been sidetracked.

And to be very honest, I was not following the Soul's Path to weight loss.

I thought I was, but eating absolutely everything that I wanted, not what my body needed, was not helping me one bit.

So I am making a change, and a challenge.

I am eliminating all wheat products out of my diet for 2 weeks.

No low carb pasta or low carb bread or wraps.

I am following the "Wheat Belly Diet" by Dr. William Davis.
I actually started on Sunday, April 14th with my husband.

What's the goal?

To feel better.
My joints, including my hip and knees are sore. Even though I've lost 7 lbs since my hernia surgery in feb ( another distraction) I have a tire around my waist that is getting bigger. It's uncomfortable for me to walk. Getting out of bed in the morning is painful.

So, I am doing a 2 week experiment that I will record here.

Follow this diet for 2 weeks and see how I honestly feel by the end.

I've already lost a pound and a half which I'm very surprised by. Stay tuned.

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