Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It's all good in wheat-free land

Day 4
Joint pain- 4 when I woke up -now, next to none. And I golfed nine holes this morning.
Emotional- I won 2 awards golfing--I chipped in on a rather challenging hole and had the shortest distance to the pin on another.
Since I just started golfing in June and am strictly a beginner, I would have to say I'm pretty darn happy.
Pounds lost- a half pound. I'll take it.

One of my favorite writers, Martha Beck, says that it takes 4 consecutive times for something to become a habit.
So, If you join a gym and go 4 times the first week, you've already established a habit.
By the fourth day of a new diet, your mind and body have started to adjust to the different food you are either eating or not eating.
Today is day 4 of my wheat-free plan, and I am going with the flow, feeling neither anxious nor deprived.
Will I maintain this state of mind, or will I cave after 8 days, and devour the entire bakery section at Wegmans?
I think I'll be okay.
Because I've set the intention, I believe that I can easily do this, and I've been visualizing not just my weight loss, but the pleasant emotions that go with my daily choices. 
Sugary breakfast makes for a fatigued-out late morning.
Big sandwich for lunch means bloat and sluggishness the rest of the day.
Bread basket at dinner will have me kicking myself the rest of the night.

I attended a golf luncheon today that was mercifully laden with lots of protein choices ( those skinny county club ladies are masters at low carb dining)

Dinner tonight is at an Indian restaurant - I've already checked the menu, and am good to go with almost everything except the rice and the naan bread.

Tomorrow is day 5.

The way I look at it, the tough part is over, and the rest is just habit.

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