Friday, August 24, 2012


Welcome to the 3 month weight loss challenge!

As a hypnotist and former personal trainer, I know a few things about weight loss.
As a 51 year old woman with foot issues and an ongoing love affair with food, I also know a few things about weight gain.


Okay, enough of the pity party, let's get down to business:

Here's the Challenge-

Name: Barb Angelo
Occupation: Professional Hypnotist
Current Weight:182- ouch (even my husband doesn't know that number - I don't exactly lie about my weight, I'm just in total denial. Yes, there is a difference)
Intention: To release 15 lbs in 3 months time.

So, what makes this challenge any different from the scads of diet and exercise programs out there?

Well, first of all, thank you for that question.
Here's what makes this challenge so different-

I will not be following a diet.
You heard correctly.
I will not be obsessively counting calories, carbs or fat content. Food will not be measured, weighed or bought from any diet center. I will be eating real food and you can bet your buns it won't be lean cuisine.

I will be eating according to my soul.

Huh? What does that mean, you ask?

Well, thank you, another great question from the slightly chubby lady in the back!

I will be following my soul's guidance.

Intrigued yet?

I hope so, because it would be nice to have some support from complete strangers.

Before we start, I'll give you a quick rundown of who I am and what I'm all about-

As I stated before, I'm a professional hypnotist, and was an American Council on Exercise certifed Personal Trainer. I say was, because I gave it up several years ago. It bored the heck out of me, and I also grew weary of getting up at 5:30am for 10 bucks an hour.

I have alot of experience working with the soul - mine and others as well. In my hypnosis practice and the workshops I teach, I  guide people to connect with their Higher Self, or what I will refer to as, "The Soul".
I specialize in past life regression therapy and while under hypnosis, I've observed my clients tapping into a higher power that resides within them and knows all about their past, present and even their future.
This higher power is not a seperate entity, but the essence who they really are- their God self.

Now, don't get nervous here. I am not a witchy woo-woo kind of gal, and I'm not a preachy, holier than thou type either - honest. I'm not here to sway you into any way of thinking.

I've watched many people over the years struggle with not only weight issues, but loneliness, depression, anger and a feelings of being disconnected.
When they are able to access that higher guidance, wonderful things happens. They don't feel so alone anymore. They feel calmer, more loving and filled with purpose.

And then I thought that if the soul can help us to view our past lives, can help us to heal our thoughts, emotions and even our physical body, then why can't the soul help us lose weight?

I feel my soul is like a wonderful, wise, loving teacher of higher intentions that thinks the sun rises and sets on my forehead.
I'm going to eat and move throughout the day according to how my soul guides me.
If I'm feeling stuck or unsure, I'll simply ask, "what would my soul say?"
Kind of like those Jesus bumper stickers, you know, WWJD?

My blogs will include affirmations, self hypnosis tips, and ways to help you access your own higher guidance - your soul.

Stay tuned.....

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