Sunday, August 26, 2012

Keeping up with your thoughts

Just finished eating a grilled cheese and tomato on low carb bread - it was just what I wanted, and yes it was fried in the pan with a little butter.
Started the morning with a quick walk around the block, a glass of trader joe's "super green drink" and some watermelon.
Waiting for my dear friend to come over and give me a much needed massage ( we barter sessions, how convenient is that?) and then it's off to play a round of golf with my husband.
I'm just learning how to play, so I pretty much stink, but the focused concentration keeps me grounded and I allow myself to have fun while I practice on improving my game.

On the course, I steer clear of defeating thoughts. Feeling embarrassed or frustrated while engaging in a very challenging game only serves to defeat my efforts.

My soul says to relax, give it your best, and most of all, enjoy the beautiful greens and warm weather, and appreciate what is right before you.

Hope you are all enjoying the day as well.

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