Saturday, August 25, 2012

Think yourself thinner

An interesting thing has happened since I set my intention on releasing 15 lbs.

I'm not thinking about food all of the time, and I'm not putting anything in my mouth within reach. Anything, that is, which is either salty, crunchy or cheesy ( or better yet, all three).

Here are a few important techniques you can incorporate right now into your own weight release program:

1) Visualize.
First thing when I wake up, I picture how I want to feel and look today. I imagine myself getting on the treadmill, and instead of groaning, I picture the afterwards and how good I'm going to feel, how satisfied I will be with my sweet ol' self.

2) Check in with your soul several times a day.
I'll give you some ideas of how to do just that in the near future, but right now I'm saying this:

Stop wherever you are right now.
Take a deep breath and be still for a moment.
Ask yourself, what is the best thing for me to do right now?
Wait for the answer.

If a voice in your head says, "what are you talking about, you moron, this whole thing is ridiculous?" then I can pretty much guarantee that is your ego talking, not your divine self.
( more on the ego later)

3) Watch your words
One of the first things a hypnotist in trainining learns is the power of words. We stay away from negatives and encourage positives. Even in smoking cessation sessions, I eliminate words like don't and can't, as in "don't want to smoke" and subsitute  "allow yourself to be smoke free"
See the difference? In one you are commanding, in the other you are giving yourself permission. What happens when we order ourselves or others to do something?
There is an immediate though of rebellion. "Don't tell me what to do!"

Let's compare these two thought forms-

You wake up and say to yourself,
"I can't believe you ate all that cake last night, while hiding under the covers with a flashlight! What is wrong with you? Now, get your fat ass up and get on the treadmill, loser!"


"Okay, today is a new day!. I'm going to go on the treadmill, listen to some great music and feel great afterwards." Then, visualize yourself, sweaty and moving, then showering, then the feeling itself of more energy and satisfaction afterwards.
This only takes a moment or two and will motivate you to do what your soul knows is best for you.

Of course, you are going to personalize this routine. If you walk around the block, go to the gym, or even if you get yourself moving later in the day. Take a minute, a breath and be still.
Wait for that wise soul self to come forth and guide you with kind words of encouragement.

And yes, it will come....

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