Friday, September 7, 2012

To do, is to be...

For a large part of my adult life, I have belonged to various gyms.
I have joined ladies only gyms, muscle head gyms and franchise-type gyms.

Remember Nautilus?

Working as a personal trainer, I spent time in other peoples' home gyms, mostly set up in a finished basement.

I don't have a basement in my rancher, but I finally figured out that other than a walkway to the back deck and pool, our sunroom has gone largely unused, so it is now officially my home gym.
Nothing fancy, as you can see.
A decent treadmill, adjustable weight bench sitting some matting squares and free weights.
That's it.

You can belong to the most expensive gym, you can buy the chicest workout clothes, you can shop at fancy organic themed grocery stores.

But if you don't actually use the gym, wear the clothes or prepare and eat the decent foods, you're not kidding anyone but yourself.

My husband's favorite quote is "To do, is to be" which basically means that what you do is who you are - not what you talk about but never actually get around to doing.

The first part of the Soul's Path to Weight Loss is the intention.
You set the intention with an idea or goal.
Let's say your initial intention is to release some weight and increase your energy levels.

What then will be your course of action?
Start walking 20 minutes a day 3 days a week? Switch from regular soda to diet? Increase your whole grain intake?

These are all very moderate, reasonable intentions that can lead you to make better choices throughout each day.

So, you are probably asking yourself, how is this different than any other diet or exercise program that I've tried and "failed" so many times before?

Up next....

The power of words.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Peppers for the Soul

I love peppers.
My soul loves peppers.

And I really love the fact that peppers are so packed with vitamins and so low in calories and carbs.

Last night, as I rooted through my fridge, looking for dinner parts, I suddenly remembered the remaining long hots that I had purchased at my friendly neighborhood Produce Junction for the weekend BBQ.
If you don't reside in South Jersey, you may not know of the Produce Junction phenomenon. Bags of vegetables and fruits for a dollar or two - I'm not kidding. We're not talking weird, deformed stuff either. If you can name a pepper, PJ's has it. Jalapeno, poblano, anaheim, hungarian, red, green, thai hot, long hot, cherry hot, sacks of dried chilies.
Grape tomtaoes, cherry tomatoes, plum tomatoes, beefsteaks. Red onion, white onion, spanish onion, vidalia onion, green onion and shallots.
Basil, cilantro, chive, fresh rosemary, mint, thyme, oregano, sage, dill.
Mango, papaya, avacodo, ugli fruit, six types of apples and three types of pears.
It goes on, and on.
Again, all for between $1.00 and $3.00 per 1 to 2 lb bag. 

So, last night, as I foraged and rooted, I came up with a recipe of leftovers that pleased my mind, body and my soul.

Long Hots stuffed with leftover ricotta cheese mixture. I added homemade toasted low carb hamburger roll breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese, egg and a little garlic, stuffed the six peppers, and then wrapped them with a small package of proscuitto from Trader Joes.
Drizzled with olive oil, and then popped in a 375 degree oven for 20 minutes.

Along side I made a rather sad caprese salad - only because I lacked fresh basil, and my roasted red peppers were a little past their due date.

A few leaves of chopped romaine tossed with ( leftover) homemade caesar dressing and topped with 4 or 5 whole wheat croutons ( Wegman's brand --hooray!) and there ya go-

Low carb, not neccessarily low calories, but still.....

And, by the way, I only ate about half of that plate, then finished the evening with a sugar free pudding - yee-haw!!


Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy End- of- Summer Holiday!

Visiting family from out of town whom I haven't seen in 2 years.
Parties and BBQ's
My husband's "last hoorah" before his travelling working season begins.

These are all reasons why my Labor Day weekend was quite a blowout.

Do I feel guilty for overindulging in food and drink?

Not a darn bit.

Life is meant to be enjoyed, and what better way then laughing, eating and hanging with family and friends.

My soul knows that. It also knows that tomorrow, I will spend more time on the treadmill and extra time pounding the weights.

My husband's closest childhood friend is coming into town Tuesday ( tomorrow) to be a runner at the Wednesday night NFL game that my husband will be shooting as a cinematographer.

This friend has had his share of life threatening illnesses that would make even the most seasoned doctors' hair stand on end. As I write this, he just arrived in N.Y to attend the US open - with the blessings of his wife and kids who are home in Pittsburhg, Pa.
It's something he has always wanted to do - so he's doing it.
After almost dying on the operating table more than once, he has learned that life on this earth can be fleeting, and means to grab it by the balls and squeeze as much juice as he can from it.
Sorry for any painful visual graphics - about the balls, not the dying, silly.

This man is one of my heroes, and I intend to cook him a wonderful meal, and make him feel very welcome and special for the 24 hours he'll be in our home.

I just jotted down my dinner menu ( subject to change, of course) and it includes brussel sprouts with bacon and raisins, chicken saltimbocca, grilled brushcetta, and a caprese salad.

Rather than make a low carb, low calorie dinner, my plan is to make some yummy dishes, and eat a little from each one.

Hope you have all enjoyed your holiday weekend as much as I have.

I look foward to the fall, it's the time of renewal for me.
I love ordering my firewood and cozying up with books and comfort foods.

So, here's to another summer come and gone.

And here's to new beginnings.