Thursday, May 30, 2013

Oooohh, I know it's been a while- but I have an excuse!

I was on a cruise to Bermuda and have spent the last week or so catching up on, you know, work and home and all of the other categories of life that get neglected when you're on a vacation.

So, you're probably asking- how the hell did I survive a cruise while on a diet?

Well, I've got to tell you, first of all, Celebrity cruise lines makes it pretty easy with all of their meal choices.

For breakfast, which is my least favorite meal of the day, and the one time when we would eat from the buffet, there were eggs of every kind, meats, fruit, yogurt with all of the fixings and of course the danish/muffin/donut selection.
Once I discovered the poached egg station which featured a Mexican eggs Benedict, I was happy. A poached egg with guacamole, salsa, sour cream and hollandaise sauce is a pleasant way to start any day.

I'm not going to lie. I ate dessert pretty much every night and even had a slice or two of bread. When we were in Bermuda, I ate a hideously expensive carrot cake muffin loaded with tooth achingly sweet frosting-for breakfast no less - but when you're starving and you missed breakfast on the boat, and you're getting ready for a Segway tour of the island, you'll resort to desperate measures. p.s. -I don't recommend it.

And of course we drank more than most humans do in a week. But, hey, we were on a complimentary drink package! So that meant that almost all of the booze was free! Free, dammit!

I drank Bezinger's chardonnay all week with a couple of Beefeater's and Sprite Zero's thrown in for good measure.

So, what was the damage after all of this?

I refused to weigh myself right when I got home, instead returning to my wheat free life on Monday. Three days later, with bated breath, I stepped on the scale expecting the worst - and instead, to my surprise and relief, found I had lost another pound and a half.

Crazy, huh?

The funny thing about this diet is this: I honestly don't have cravings. Really.
When I think about bread, it's to imagine what it would taste like, and to marvel that it's been over 6 weeks ( other than a slice or 2) since I've eaten it. I even dreamt about bread the other night. But I have no desire to rip into a butter smeared hunk any time soon.
Pizza has always been my joy- and downfall, and yes, I admit, on the last day of the cruise, I indulged in one of the slices that I had been eyeballing all week. I tried to lighten the sin but ordering a vegetable laden one. Ok, it wasn't the lovely, thin Neapolitan that this Jersey girl is used to, but it was hot, crisp and perfectly acceptable.


So, all in all, I'm doing just fine, thank you.

I'm down a total of 15 lbs since February, nine of those since the official "diet" started.

It's not earth-shattering, I know, but I'm not hungry, and to tell you the honest truth, I'm barely exercising.

Well, I'm off to soft and gentle yoga, followed by a round of golf this evening.

Life is good.

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